Mwaipaja founded her NGO, Nasua Vijana Tanzania (Freeing
Youth in Tanzania) to provide health education and economic
empowerment for youth in Bagamoyo on the coast of Tanzania
where she has dedicated herself to breaking the tragic cycle
of HIV/AIDS by educating and empowering girls and young
women. She recently returned to her village with a dream:
to build Itete’s own Nasua Vijana Tanzania Community
Center. Elizabeth’s plan is to finance the center’s
operation through sustainable income-generating activities
as well as donations from the community of money, goods,
and time. Activities will include farming in the fields
behind the Center, craft-making by those learning marketable
skills at the Center, and selling food and crafts. CHC was
asked to contribute funds for construction costs. Elizabeth
owns the farmland on which she will build the community
center: it will consist of a large room for skill training,
lectures, and community meetings; an administrative office,
an income-generating storefront, and an outhouse. She estimated
that it will cost about $7,000 to build. CHC made a pledge
to raise at least half of that this year. |